Thursday, April 26, 2007

Knit into Life !

I knew not the world
But I felt I knew
N' now when I really know
I feel better of without
I know not whether I really know
The life I feel so sure I know now.
But life's a long journey
With paths so many
No prediction works
On what shows up where
'Bout the confusingly knit life.
I'd rather chose to live
Knowing what I'd do
Than living ignorantly
Making mistakes now and then.
But its not as bad as it seems
For with every mistake of mine
I learn and know it won't happen again.
So thus I cheer up
N' agree to live on,
Live on to find:
The secrets of dreary life;
Live on just because
Am knit into the Knitted life...

Friday, April 20, 2007

The Task

I know not why I do
As i do know
Empty my hearts contents:
Open to you now
Maybe I had have enough
Enough of trying to learn myself
I might be pleading you aid
Aid to know my true self
The self none sees
Deep within where no eye falls
Beneath the fair skin
Beneath the layers of flesh
Try and delve deep
Deep to help me find me out
I have lent my voice
My inner private voice away
My only speech troubles only you.
Only your patient ears
Stranger though you are
I tire you with the task
You may have no need of me
I know
I go on
On and on
Not knowing why you
A stranger,of all beings......

Sunday, April 15, 2007


Loneliness gnaws me hard...
But there's not much i can do
I seem to love this too
'Cos this loneliness
You give to me
The pain is hard to bite on
The sorrow is hard to hide
My eyes show it all
I wish u were near
'Cos u would surely have hugged me hard
And the pain would have vanished...
I love u more than u can ever imagine
I love u for u r mine
I love u for am urs
Its easy to die
Yet i find it so hard to do
'Cos i yearn to live with u
I yearn to fulfill our dreams
I yearn to bring our kids to the world
I yearn to live forever in ur arms
In the warmth of ur love
Thats all i ask u.........................

Miss You !

Tonight I lie awake
Praying for you
Hunger tugs me hard and so does sleep
But i fight them off.
But now tears are here
N' am losing the battle to them..
Just cos u sleep so far
So out of my reach
That neither my sobs nor my shrieks reach your ears.
Hope the morning has hope for me
Hope the morning brings you close to me.
As these tears are breaking my heart apart
All I am praying is
You be happy throughout
Peace and success brimming your life
N' all am hoping is that I be a small part of it......
Howsoever small
Which warrants some love from you
N' your proximity...
But no void
Like the one I feel so sure of tonight
Which causes loneliness to gnaw my heart.

Calling You!

My love
My dreams
I come I call you
I beckon you
With watery eyes
Half felt smile...
If you come not now;
Now when i want u to hold and sleep
Come not tomorrow
Or some yonder days or nights
When i would be used to sleeping in solitude.....
On second thoughts ..
I beckon you for life.
For its so late tonight
N' not just tomorrow but the days, years and lifetimes to come
I will wait for you....
'Cos I want you to replace this Solitude....

ONLY YOU........ :-)

If you only knew how much I love you,
How essential you are to my life,
You would not dare to stay away for an instant,
You would always remain by my side,
Your heart pressed close to my heart,
Your soul to my soul.
How I long to give myself up in ecstasy
To your sweet breath
N' those kisses from your lips
Which fill me with delight..
Love me..
I need your love
As a touchstone of my existence.
I'm going to bed.
My last waking thoughts n' all my dreams
Are of you.
Only you.................................

Love You!

I heard a hollow voice
Calling your name.
I however had no choice
But to bite on the pain.
I knew it was my heart calling
And could find no way to hush it;
I wrenched my heart
And almost killed it...
But still all it does is call your name,
Beat for you and love you......